Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Embryo Transfer & Snow babies

Transfer was on Monday 26th November at 11.30am. We transfered one A grade Blastocyst. The transfer was a really simple procedure. They just wipe the cervix with some cleaning stuff and I think it's similar to what's in the petri dish with the fertilized eggs. I had to confirm my name on the lid of a petri dish with the blast in on a screen. Then we got to see our little eggie. It was very bubbly but a lot like the pictures they had shown us earlier - but it was kinda crazy knowing that might be our little bubba in 9 months and we've seen it at a bunch of cells at day 5. Then they inserted it into a tube and put it in me. Then they had to check the tube under a microscope to make sure it wasn't still stuck on there. Then we were all done. I lay there for about 10 mins and then we were allowed to go home. I just relaxed most of the day on the couch.
We found out we have 3 frozen Blastocysts. One at day 5 and two at day 6. We hoped for more but I guess it's better than nothing....

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