Sunday, November 18, 2007

Second ultra sound and major dramas.....

Well I kept saying to Miles over the weekend that the follies must be growing immensely as I became increasingly uncomfortable as time went by. We were definitely more relaxed about this ultra sound today but..... when we got there it seemed that my ovaries were sitting on top of each other as there were soooo many eggs. But then they realised that - no - I just had an amazing amount of eggs in each ovary. At first she thought there was 22 on my left but after recounting there was 18. On my right was about 16. So 34 in total. ARGGHH the nurses said they were ranging in size up to about 20mm.
So there was the chance of the cycle being cancelled or me ending up with OHSS. But luckily my blood tests came back in the right ranges with an estrogen level of 15. So, trigger injection tonight at 8.30pm. Pick up at 8.30am on Wednesday. Am totally hanging to get these eggs out of me.

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