Sunday, December 2, 2007

Possibly positive?

Ok, so I did this last night (Sat 01 Dec). We are very cautiously optimistic.... I can definitely see a line and it's pink. I tested every couple of days after the trigger shot and watched it leave my system, I watched it become negative and then I got a couple of gray evaporation lines so I knew if I did get a line later on - it was due to being pregnant (pg) and not the HCG trigger shot. I hadn't tested for about 3-4 days and this has just come up. It's still such early days but it gives me hope. It just seems so surreal though. Neither Miles or I jumped up and down or got really excited because we've just been through so much and don't want to face more disappointment. I have done another test this morning (02 Dec) and the line is definitely there and pink but not really any darker. **** nervously waiting for beta result on Friday *****

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