Thursday, January 24, 2008

Our first scare.

Ok, so Wednesday was my day off work and I'd been feeling really great so decided to tackle some baking. After making a batch of scones and cupcakes I decided I wasn't up to the challenge of making lunch as well so I whipped one of my frozen supermarket meals out of the freezer. BAD MOVE. I've had these before so didn't think anything would be wrong. I started eating it and thought - wow this tastes strange, salty and just kinda wrong. I thought maybe it was just my taste buds as they have changed a bit during the pregnancy so far. I ate about a third and decided nah I'll have toast and some fruit instead. Well, no problems for the rest of the day but 2.30am. Bang. Woke up with cramps - thought I might just need my usual nightly pee - got back into bed. Still painful. Hmmm maybe I have gas - as the minutes ticked by it got worse and worse until I went to the toilet and nearly blacked out. Had major diarrhea, gagging, head-spins, chills, sweating and clamminess. Poor Miles found me on the floor curled up in pain and wasn't sure what to do. After about 15 mins I was able to make it back to bed. I reassured Miles that I was sure I wasn't miscarrying as I wasn't bleeding and surely vomiting and diarrhea don't go hand in hand with miscarrying? I rang my midwife in the morning and she reassured me as well that this wouldn't have affected the baby but I needed to get lots of sleep and fluids.

SCARY STUFF - made us realise how much we love this little pickle already and how fragile he/she is.

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