Monday, January 14, 2008

10 Weeks today !!!

Yippee. We're 10 weeks today. Changes are definitely more visible to Miles and I in my body but not really visible to others as yet - I just look like I ate more than my share of Christmas dinner over the Christmas break...
We went for a mini break up to Kaikoura and Golden Bay over New Year. It was a great trip but I got incredibly sun-burnt early on and now my bottom lip has 2 great big sun blisters on it and I have been on another round of antibiotics as my glands have all come up again. I have found I am more prone to travel sickness since becoming pregnant and found the hours of driving rather uncomfortable. I don't think we'll be going on any major road trips for the next few months now!!

So far I've put on approx 2 kg's. I seem to be swaying around the 1.6 to 2.3 kg mark which is all in the normal ranges so far which is great.
Lots of people have been saying now we're 10 weeks we can breathe a sigh of relief. I don't really feel comfortable doing that yet. I really feel that until I have that precious wee healthy bundle in my arms - I'll still worry all the way. We are scheduled to have our 12 week scan on 30 Jan and I am feeling extremely nervous about it. I have heard so many stories of people getting to the scan to find no sign of the baby. We would be beyond devastated and I don't think I would cope. My head is telling me - you've had no signs of problems, no bleeding, no cramping and surely there would be signs if something had gone wrong... But it's still hard not to worry when you're carrying something so incredibly special and precious inside you.

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