Monday, April 7, 2008

Anatomy scan. 18 weeks 3 Days

We had our anatomy scan on Friday 14th March at St Georges Hospital. Mum came along with us as she was actually meant to see our 12 week scan but with all the drama - she missed out. This scan was great to see all the "bits" of the baby in detail but overall wasn't as great as the 12 week scan. In the 12 week one you can see the whole baby on the screen so when it moves its hands and feet etc it's all really visible and easy to work out what bit is what. In the 2o week scan , everything is so much bigger and of course the whole baby doesn't fit on the screen so they view the body bit by bit which makes it harder to work out what you're actually looking at. At one point the tech was saying that's your baby's face and nose and all three of us were turning our heads on the side and couldn't work it out at all....
We got to see amazing detail for example - inside the baby brain, the pelvis, kidneys, spine, 4 chambers of the heart etc. Pretty amazing really. It was really great to hear that pickle was measuring right on target and that everything was normal. We got to see him/her sucking their thumb and little lips moving and the mouth opening and closing. Very cute.... ahhhhhh

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